Thursday, July 30, 2009

iPhone Helps The Smokers To Kick The Butt

Tried so many tips to kick the butt in avail? Here is a latest gadget that comes at your aid! You can receive a serious help from your own iPhone to kick the butt. A new free application of the smart phone provides a live quit line coach and uses live text to advice on how to kick the butt."My QuitLine" app provides evidence-based treatment for quitting. It will connect the user to the National Cancer Institute's quit line service where they speak to a live quit line coach or use live text to get advice on quitting.
The My QuitLine app finally gives iPhone users access to an evidence-based method to help them quit smoking. The best part is that it is free and proven to work. Quit line counselling
has been shown to double a person's chance of quitting smoking. It is important to make sure that in these new media environments, people still receive information about what has been proven to work in quitting smoking, and get access to tools that are based on these proven therapies.Users can look for the app by searching "My QuitLine" or "quit smoking" on their iPhone or on iTunes. While the Apple app store has other applications
to help people quit smoking, no others use products or services recommended as effective by the 2008 Public Health Service Guideline Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence.The George Washington University's School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS) and the National Tobacco Cessation Collaborative (NTCC) developed "My QuitLine".

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